Welcome to Web Presence Support!

You have made a great choice and we want to help you get up and running as quickly as possible.

We do specialised website and online platform support. This site is our support ticketing and billing system. Everything you need is right here in one portal.

You are free to ask for help with anything to do with your website or online applications. Most things we can help with and you just need to ask. If it falls out of our expertise or will take a lot of coding or configuration we will let you know and give you a quote. The general rule is if it will take more than 30-60 minutes to complete we will let you know and quote accordingly.

All requests can be made via our ticketing system within your account. Most tickets will be responded to within a day during business hours.

When submitting tickets, it makes the process easier if each separate item is in a separate ticket. This way we can track each item and the progress, plus it generally keeps the requests within the 30-60 minute limit so you wont need to pay any extra.

You are free to submit as many tickets and support requests as you wish. There is no limit on the number of requests or hours.

If you're unsure if your request will take a long time or is possible, the easiest thing to do it submit a ticket and we can discuss it with you.

I look forward to working with you!

Jon Teychenne - Web Presence Support

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